Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Light Basics and Vocab



1. Small shadow underneath nose and chin
2. Used for glamour shots
3. Single Light


1. Shadow loops around cheek
2. Better for those with younger features
3. Single Light


1. Shadows on side of face, triangle on cheek
2. Flattering/Dramatic
3. Single Light


1. Shadows on half the face
2. Dramatic shots
3. Single Light


1. Shadows away from camera
2. Most flattering
3. Single Light


Fill light:
Any light that is not the key light, meant to accent the subject.

Key light:
The main light used within a photo

Hair light
An accent light limited to the top of the head

Background light
A light meant to separate the background from the subject

A photo that shows no shadows within the subject

Hard light
A harsh light, meant to be used for dramatic photos, more compressed and bright than a soft light.

Soft light
A light meant for glamorous and flattering shots, more spread out than a hard light.

Gray card
A reflectance card used for a Reflected Light Meter reading

Devices meant to soften and reflect light in a portrait.

A material placed in front of a light to soften the light source.

The harsh/soft levels of lighting

3:1 lighting ratio
A lighting ratio where the differences between the fill and key lights are 1 and a half stops.


Direction: Where the light is coming from.

Intensity: How bright the light source is.

Color: The color the light gives off.

Contrast: How the light transitions from highlights to shadows

Hardness: How the edges of the shadows look.

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