Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Motion Preview

Motion Preview

1. In order to catch the movement of an action within the photo.
2. With slow shutter speed, have the subject move or have the camera move.
3. In order to set the perfect shutter speed for a particular movement.
4. Small apertures, decreased ISO, or a neutral density filter

5. Between 1/60 and 1/15
6. So that the subject can stay in focus while blurring out the rest.
7. You can get a better panning shot instead of having to guess when the perfect opportunity is.
8. It keeps focus on moving objects and adjusts the focus to make the subject clear.
9. It keeps fast-moving subjects in focus for you as they move closer or further away.
10. So that you don't have to refocus when you let go of the shutter.
11. You have to hold down the AF-ON button instead of just tapping it when using AI Servo mode. 

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